Smoothie Manga Côco e Menta | Mango Coconut and Mint Smoothie
Com o calor só me apetecem sumos e batidos bem frescos. Ora uma manga bem madurinha estava a olhar para mim, e nem pensei duas vezes... Já para a batedeira!
With the heat, I just feel like drinking juices and smoothies very fresh. Now a well-ripe mango was looking at me, and I did not even think twice ... Go to the mixer!
-1 Manga madura
-1 ripe Mango
-1/2 Copo de Leite de Côco
-1/2 Cup of Coconut
-Sumo e raspa de 1 Lima
-Juice and zest of 1 Lime
-3 Cubos de gelo
-3 Ice cubes
-2 Folhas frescas de Menta
-2 Fresh Mint leaves
-1 Colher de sopa de Golden
Syrup (ou mel)
-1 Tsp Golden Syrup (or Honey)
-Descascar e
fatiar a manga, colocando na batedeira
- Peel and slice the mango, placing in the mixer
-Juntar o leite
de côco, o sumo e raspa e golden syrup
-Add the milk, the juice and zest and golden syrup
-Bater até a
consistência de batido ser atingida
- Beat until smoothie consistency is reached
-Servir num copo
com o gelo e as folhas de menta.
-Serve in a glass with the ice cubes and mint leaves.
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