Salmão com mel, mostarda e sementes de funcho com batatinhas assadas e rosmaninho | Salmon with honey, mustard and fennel seeds with roasted potatoes and rosemary

-2 Lombos de Salmão
 -1 pitada de Sal
-2 Colheres de sopa Azeite
-1 Colher de chá de Mostarda
-1 Colher de sopa de mel
-1 Colher de café de sementes de Funcho trituradas
-Batatas pequenas para assar
-1 chalota finamente cortada
-1 ramo de rosmaninho

-2 Salmon loins
 -1 pinch of Salt
-2 Tsp Olive oil
-1 Tea spoon of Mustard
-1 Tsp of Honey
-1 Coffee spoon fennel seeds crushed
-small baking potatoes
-1 Shallot finely sliced
-1 Branch of rosemary

-Temperar o salmão com sal e um pouco de azeite
-Esmagar ligeiramente as sementes de funcho e juntar numa taça com o azeite, a mostarda e o mel e barrar os lombos do salmão
-Levar ao forno a 200º as batatas regadas com azeite e temperadas com sal e o ramo de rosmaninho cortado, num tabuleiro, durante 30 minutos
-Entretanto passados 10 minutos colocar o salmão que só deverá necessitar estar no forno 20 minutos
-Retirar as batatas do forno e servir com o salmão.

-Season the salmon with salt and a little olive oil
-Crush lightly fennel seeds in a bowl and add the olive oil, mustard and honey and spread the loins of salmon
-Bake at 200º potatoes sprinkled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and rosemary branch sliced ​​on a tray for 30 minutes
-Meanwhile, after 10 minutes put the salmon that should only need to be in the oven 20 minutes
-Remove the potatoes from the oven and serve with the salmon.


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