Speculoos | Speculoos
Quando estive de férias pela Holanda e Bélgica estas bolachas eram servidas sempre com o café e eram tão deliciosas que resolvi investigar o segredo.... está nas especiarias!
When I was on vacation in Holland and Belgium these cookies were always served with coffee and were so delicious that I decided to investigate the secret .... is the spice!
-250 gr Açúcar Mascavado -250 gr Brown Sugar
-250 gr Manteiga amolecida -250 gr Softened Butter
-1 Ovo -1 Egg
-1 Colher café Fermento em pó -1 Coffee spoon of Baking Powder
-1 Pitada de Sal -Pinch of Salt
-8 Colheres de café de Canela -8 Coffee spoons of Cinnamon
-2 Colheres de café de Noz Moscada -2 Coffee spoons of Nutmeg
-2 Colheres de café Cravinho moído -2 Coffee spoons of Cloves powder
-1 Colher de café gengibre em pó -1 Coffee spoon of ginger powder
-Sementes de 1 grão de Cardamomo -Seeds of 1 grain of Cardamom
-Juntar o ovo e mexer com uma espátula até formar uma massa homogénea
-Adicionar lentamente a farinha peneirada com o fermento e o sal, mexendo até formar uma bola
-Guardar no frigorífico envolvida em filme durante 1 hora
-Estender com o rolo, cortar nas formas que pretender e levar ao forno a 180º, durante 10 minutos ou até alourarem
-Deixar arrefecer e servir com café!
-Add the egg and stir with a spatula until produce a homogeneous mass
-Slowly add the sifted flour with baking powder and salt, stirring until it forms a ball
Keep in refrigerator, wrapped in film for 1 hour
-Extend with the roll, cut the shapes you want and bake at 180 º for 10 minutes or until golden
-Allow to cool and serve with coffee!
When I was on vacation in Holland and Belgium these cookies were always served with coffee and were so delicious that I decided to investigate the secret .... is the spice!
-350 gr Farinha -350 gr Flour-250 gr Açúcar Mascavado -250 gr Brown Sugar
-250 gr Manteiga amolecida -250 gr Softened Butter
-1 Ovo -1 Egg
-1 Colher café Fermento em pó -1 Coffee spoon of Baking Powder
-1 Pitada de Sal -Pinch of Salt
-8 Colheres de café de Canela -8 Coffee spoons of Cinnamon
-2 Colheres de café de Noz Moscada -2 Coffee spoons of Nutmeg
-2 Colheres de café Cravinho moído -2 Coffee spoons of Cloves powder
-1 Colher de café gengibre em pó -1 Coffee spoon of ginger powder
-Sementes de 1 grão de Cardamomo -Seeds of 1 grain of Cardamom
-Misturar o açúcar com as especiarias e adicionar a manteiga, mexendo vigorosamente-Juntar o ovo e mexer com uma espátula até formar uma massa homogénea
-Adicionar lentamente a farinha peneirada com o fermento e o sal, mexendo até formar uma bola
-Guardar no frigorífico envolvida em filme durante 1 hora
-Estender com o rolo, cortar nas formas que pretender e levar ao forno a 180º, durante 10 minutos ou até alourarem
-Deixar arrefecer e servir com café!
-Mix the sugar with the spices and add the butter, stirring vigorously-Add the egg and stir with a spatula until produce a homogeneous mass
-Slowly add the sifted flour with baking powder and salt, stirring until it forms a ball
Keep in refrigerator, wrapped in film for 1 hour
-Extend with the roll, cut the shapes you want and bake at 180 º for 10 minutes or until golden
-Allow to cool and serve with coffee!
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