Banana Crunchy Crunchy | Banana Crunchy Crunchy

Nunca pensei que a banana resultasse tão bem com amendoim, mas garanto-vos que é delicioso! Experimentem...

Never thought the banana with peanut result so well, but I assure you it's delicious! Try it ...


-100 gr de Amendoins torrados picados grosseiramente

-100 gr  Coarsely chopped roasted Peanuts
-60 gr de Açúcar Amarelo

-60 gr Brown Sugar
-3 Bananas (utilizei da Madeira)

-3 Bananas small size and sweet (I used from Madeira)
- 4 Folhas de massa Filo

-4 Sheets of Filo pastry
- Manteiga para untar a massa

- Butter, for greasing the filo pastry

- Cortar as folhas de massa filo em 6 rectângulos e sobrepor cada uma,
- Cut the sheets of filo pastry into 6 rectangles and overlap each,
untada com manteiga
-Misturar o açúcar com os amendoins e espalhar nos rectângulos
-Mix sugar with peanuts and spread in the rectangles
-Cortar as bananas ao meio, (ou em 3 se forem grandes) e enrolar
-Cut the bananas in half (or 3 if they are large) and roll
em cada rectângulo
each rectangle
-Colocar num tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal, com as dobras da
-Place in a baking tray lined with parchment paper, with the folds of
massa para baixo
the pastry down
-Levar ao forno durante 10 minutos, a 220ºC
-Bake for 10 minutes at 220ºC
-Quando estiverem dourados, retirar os rolos e saborear o crunch da massa
-When they are golden, remove the rolls and enjoy the crunch of the
e dos amendoins caramelizados! Que bom!
batter and caramelized peanuts!  It’s so good!


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